Hydrating Lemonade


What’s a refreshing way to cool down on a hot summer day? With some delicious lemonade, of course. 😉

My husband usually makes the lemonade at my house. You know the kind. Lemons and sugar (lots of it). Fortunately, we don’t have the highly processed white sugar in the house, but sugar is sugar…even the raw kind. He felt he had perfected his recipe…until I sprung this on him the other day.

This lemonade is full of taste, and it’s sweetness comes from maple syrup. It’s not so much syrup that it has an overpowering maple flavor, but just enough to give it a sweet tang.

My husband and my kids were very impressed! They couldn’t believe how good it was, and how simple it was to make.

You could easily make this to drink in lieu of sports drinks by adding a pinch of Himalayan or Celtic sea salt (both full of potassium, magnesium and calcium to help re-balance electrolytes).

Lemons are so good for you too. Among many other benefits, they contain antioxidants (hello healthy cells and beautiful skin!) and are a great source of citric acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.


Use organic ingredients when possible.

If you don’t need or want a large pitcher full, you could easily half or quarter the recipe.

If you like it a little sweeter, you can add liquid stevia to taste. Or you can replace the honey altogether with liquid stevia, if needed.



Prep time: 10 minutes
Total time: 10 minutes
Makes: 64 ozs


  • 4 lemons
  • 1/2 cup pure maple syrup
  • 64 oz filtered water
  • ice cubes (optional)
  • pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt or Celtic sea salt (optional)
  • Large pitcher


1. Wash the lemons. Roll them on the counter to release the juices. Cut each lemon in half and press each half with a citrus press into the pitcher.

2. Fill the pitcher with the water.

3.  Add the maple syrup and pinch of salt (if using). Stir.

4. Add ice cubes to make it even more refreshing. You an also add the pressed lemon halves to the lemonade to let the peel infuse into the water.

5. Pour over ice and enjoy!


If you like this recipe, share it with your friends!


Lisa Cien, Health Coach




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