
Today marks one year since I started my incredible journey into health coaching. Coincidentally, it is also the first National Health Coach Week! Let me tell you, it has been a truly amazing year!

Of course, my journey started well over a year ago.

I’ve always had a passion for health & wellness, and psychology was my major in college.

I would say that the two go hand-in-hand with heath coaching.

When I was in my 20’s, I didn’t eat a lot of meat. Not because I was vegetarian, but because I couldn’t afford it. For that same reason, I also didn’t eat out much, or buy processed foods. Although my eating habits weren’t always healthy, I realized then, that processed food tasted different and definitely made me feel differently then when I ate whole foods. 

Over the years, my husband and I tried different diets (although not always together). We tried smoothies, raw foods, the Zone Diet, and various others. It was difficult, because there wasn’t a ton of easily accessible information (internet was just taking off at the time). In addition, the information between different diets was often conflicting and difficult to figure out. The truth is that most specific, “one size fits all” diets are that way. Difficult!

I didn’t really struggle with weight until after I had my 3rd child in my early 40’s.

The weight started creeping on when I had kids, but I really didn’t struggle until after my last child was born. First, I tried to accept that it was the new “norm”. It worked great until one day I woke up and realized that I didn’t like how the new “norm” looked and felt. That same day, I stumbled up a local author who was looking for participants to try out his new program that reduces sugar and counts carbs in your diet to help you lose weight. That’s when I really got serious. I was accepted into his program and lost 35 lbs in 4-1/2 months and I’ve kept it off to this day (6 years later). AND I still easily watch my sugar intake!

It was through this program that… 

I realized that in order to successfully lose weight and keep it off, accountability and support was crucial (both of which a health coach provides).

Between the time that I had my last child and lost the weight, I had also been laid off from my longtime job due to the market crash, and…

I entered into a new job field that left me tired, stressed, and unfulfilled.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved my clients and helping them, but it just wasn’t for me. There had to be a better way for me to help people, while being passionate about what I do. Because I had come so far on my journey and learned so much along the way, I realized that I could share my knowledge and passion for health with others, to help them live a more healthy and vibrant life.

I had previously thought about life coaching, which tapped into my love for helping people, but it was too broad. I then found Health Coaching.

I did look deeply into being a nutritionist or a registered nurse or dietician, but Western medicine and I didn’t always agree. I kept coming back to health coaching, and….

I knew that health coaching was what I wanted to do.

After extensive research, I decided on Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN).

Why? It was online; It was a year long program; I resonated with their philosophies; Andrew Weil recommends IIN (I highly respect him); They focus on nutritional theories, coaching, and how to start a business; A good friend had attended and highly recommended IIN (I couldn’t believe it once I realized that I knew someone who had attended!). That’s what I needed to make my decision.

This past year has been truly incredible and full of so many life advancements, some small and some huge, and I have IIN to thank for it. I’ve learned so much over the last year, and I’ve met so many amazing people and fellow health coaches.

I have truly found my life’s calling and I’m excited to share it with the world!

Are you interested in learning more about Institute for Integrative Nutrition? 

Click here for a free guide with all the essential details, and click here for your free sample class.

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Lisa Cien, Health Coach